I’m bradley charbonneau
Author & Speaker
I’m asking you to create. With me.Â
Here’s what I’m working on in 2020. I’d like you to be a part of it. Watch the 4-minute video.
Sure, I could do it alone. But…
We’re better together.
I don’t know what you’re going to say. I don’t know what nugget of wisdom is going to sprout when we talk. But I can tell you one thing, if we don’t talk, if we don’t water the plants, it won’t come to life.Â
Less than 20 minutes
It's just a conversation
I don't know what's going to come of it
What do we have to lose?
Books, Ideas, Episodes, Chapters
We don’t know what we’re creating until we start creating.

Three little letters–why so hard!? It took quite some courage for me to ask you to this page. How has “Ask” played a significant role in your life?

We could change the channel, listen to another podcast, maybe take a course. But what about when you “Create”? What happens then?

What comes to mind when you “Meditate”? Get it, “comes to mind”? See how light and fun it can be? What comes to mind for you? How has it changed your day–or your life?
I know, that’s already three books. Crazy part? There are more books below. You see, I’m a writer at heart and I can’t
As my niece would ask: “Wait. What?”
For my last book, Spark, I interviewed a dozen families who had something similar to what I had done (created something with their kids).
We talked, I took notes, I added their stories to the book.
I’ll also make podcast episodes and maybe their stories will end up in a workshop.
That’s what I’m doing.Â
Can't we just email?
No. I think it’s “kinda scary” to talk to strangers. But after we talk, we’re no longer “strangers.”Â
Are you going to record our call?
Yes. Mostly for my own notes, but maybe I’ll take a snippet and use it in a podcast. Or the whole conversation. Of course, I’ll make sure I have your approval first.Â
Do you want me to help with marketing?
One of my goals with this is to make you a part of the creation of something. I hope that, because it’s partly yours, you’d be happy (and proud) to share it with your friends, family, and mailing list. Do you have to? Nope. Up to you.
How many more of these little FAQ things are there?
This is the second-to-last one.
What if I have questions?
When you click a button to set up a time to talk on this page, I’ll email you. Email me back and ask anything you’d like.Â
About Me
My father passed away a few years ago and I realized we were mortal.
I know, I’m a little slow to pick up on the bigger concepts.
But I had been living my life as if we all had plenty of time, even multiple lifetimes.
But we don’t.
So I’m making the most of this lifetime and what I enjoy doing is writing, speaking, and sharing the stage with other writers and speakers.
Which is why I’m here asking you to join me on this page.
The photo here is near my house in Driebergen, The Netherlands. Sure, it was cold, but it was also magical.
I do have a habit of seeing the lighter side of things.
“Just 17 minutes on the phone with Bradley and I’m pretty sure we changed the world. Or wait, maybe it was just my world.”
“What started out as a phone call for something about “Asking” turned into my own book called “Receiving.”
“I can tell you what happens if you don’t get on the phone with Bradley–nothing.”
You know which book you want to talk about. It’s OK. It’ll be fun. I pinky swear.
I’m an action-oriented kind of guy. I think a 15-minute conversation is worth 15 hours of not doing it.
I was a math major in college. I’m allowed to say that “15 minutes” might turn into “15 hours” of something else. Maybe it’s not math. Maybe it’s chemistry. Maybe it’s physics.Â
Maybe we should just get on the phone and see what happens.Â
OK, fine. So it’s not just those book above. I have more in the pipeline. Anything strike a chord?

In 2014, I wrote a book together with my two boys (then 8- and 10-years old). The thing I’m asked the most since then? How in the world did you create something with your kids?

In case you haven’t noticed, I tend to write books with verbs as titles. I think we have a choice in our lives and it’s up to us to “Decide” what to do with those choice. Do you?

Every Single Day
A tiny daily habit is what started most of this journey for me. You brush your teeth every day, what else should you do on a daily basis?
These last three are ideas I can’t seem to get off my desk. I need to write them, I just don’t know when.Â

Every Single Week
After I had the Every Single Day thing down for a while, it occurred to me that some things shuldn’t happen every day. In fact, they should happen only once a week. But what things? Why?

Every Single Month
If you start thinking about how many times a year something happens, where does 12 fit in? What should you every month? Why? Why not weekly? Or annually? Clearly, there needs to be a book about this.Â

Every Single Year
A tiny daily habit is what started most of this journey for me. You brush your teeth every day, what else should you do on a daily basis?