ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

You can’t force inspiration. But you can force motivation which can lead to inspiration.

ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

ESD 21: Ch. 16: You do it even when you don’t want to.

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 21: Ch. 16: You do it even when you don’t want to.

It’s a choice. You choose to whine or you choose to improve.

ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

ESD 20: Ch. 15: How do you know if you’re ready to make “The Leap”?

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 20: Ch. 15: How do you know if you’re ready to make “The Leap”?

It’s much more important to take action, take a step, make the leap.

ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

ESD 19: Ch. 14: Passion: Introduction

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 19: Ch. 14: Passion: Introduction

Of the sections of this book, Passion is either the easiest or the hardest. 

ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.

ESD 18: Ch. 13: The Conundrum of Comfortable

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 18: Ch. 13: The Conundrum of Comfortable

I’m not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. — Niccolo Machiavelli