Welcome “The Power of Chicks” rockstars!
Daily Chick Power
Wait, how often?
Every Single Day. What if you chose to work on you on a daily basis for the next 60 days?
I’ll make it even easier.
All you have to do is listen.
I have two options for you: (1) as a podcast (iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play), or (2) as a (free) audiobook.
Best-Selling Author
Bradley Charbonneau
I wasn’t born a best-selling author. I started on Day One and went from there. No, let me take that back. I spent a good decade on Day Zero (Day Zero is before you actually start) thinking, dreaming, and planning on starting to become the person I knew was hiding in my heart.
What’s going to get you from Day Zero to Day One?
Upcoming Books
Three little letters. Why so hard!? Erin asked me to be a part of her interview series. I’m asking you if you’re ready to ask the tough questions–or even the easy ones.
We can keep reading and taking courses and “taking it all in.” When do we turn the tables and create something? Oh, oh, I know! How about now?
I wrote 5 books together with my two young boys. Sometimes it was a dream. Sometimes it was a nightmare. But we did it. Now we have memories.
When you’re in that place in your life when you couldn’t in your wildest dreams imagine being where you are now and looking back at all the things and realizing, “Wow, there was never really one triumphant thing that happened. It was really just, ‘I just started taking action in small areas and it built up over time.’”
– erin attwood
Upcoming Events
April 2019
Spark Campfire • Somewhere Online
I mentioned above that I wrote 5 books together with my kids. I’m going to lead a group of adults and kids through writing a (short!) book and publishing it in a month.
June 2019
Spark Campfire • Maybe Partly in Person
We’ll be doing it again in June.