If you don’t fail, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.
Here’s a chapter from my latest book “Every Single Day.”
In a nutshell, if you can’t handle failure, you’re not going to get very far. Not very far behind and then not very far ahead.
From the chapter:
The only failure I now know is the failure to give something a shot. The failure to start, to launch, to take a step.
From my perspective, there is no failure, there is only learning from mistakes. In fact, I’ve learned that we learn more from failure than from success. My son makes the shot in basketball and thinks he no longer needs to practice. He misses and then he needs to adjust his stance, his hands, and the power of release.
Failure means I’m trying. An advanced skier told me that if I didn’t fall at least once per day on the slopes, I wasn’t pushing myself hard enough, I wasn’t learning, I wasn’t advancing.
Huh? By failing I’m advancing? It went against all of my logic.
But please, go with it. Be open to it. Fail and fail often. Fail small and keep at it. Soon it will simply be a part of your day. Want to know the best part? Failure will no longer bother you.
Did you catch that?
Failure will no longer bother you. Let that sink in. It’s a big deal.
Someday, you’ll fail yet again, think of this chapter, smile, and keep at it.
Smile and keep at it.

TT41: Fail soon, fail often, fail on a grand scale or fail in private. But fail.