ESD 05: Ch 1: Introduction

ESD 05: Ch 1: Introduction

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 05: Ch 1: Introduction

Vision without action is merely a dream.

ESD 05: Ch 1: Introduction

ESD 04: Part 1: Precaution

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 04: Part 1: Precaution

Normally at the beginning of a book, there’s a prologue. Nope, not here. “Precaution” is much more appropriate.

ESD 05: Ch 1: Introduction

ESD 03: Preface

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 03: Preface

Research has shown that it takes 31 days of conscious effort to make or break a habit.

ESD 01: Welcome to Every Single Day!

ESD 01: Welcome to Every Single Day!

Every Single Day Podcast
Every Single Day
ESD 01: Welcome to Every Single Day!

“Only brush the teeth you want to keep.” — the dentist

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