What if, dream with me here, we solidified ONE word for the coming year?
NOTE: This is read by Charlie Holiday, the AI voice of Bradley Charbonneau.
[ https://youtu.be/In12An7Al8k ]
Here’s the transcript:
“Dear Santa, I can explain.”? Embroidered on a Christmas stocking
?It’s December 23 as I write this. The energy I feel this morning is exactly what I want to offer to you.
We all have the energy, it’s just a matter of uncovering it or finding it amongst the dust or clutter within ourselves. I strive to help you find yours.
Thus, this book. Thus, this section of this book.
I have energy because I’m ridiculously and unabashedly excited about what I will share with you in this book.
In a nutshell, this is a meta example of exactly what I hope you experience: you create one thing and it leads to another. Just as what you’re reading now would not have come into existence had I not started with the other thing.
So let’s get that first thing done for you.
The One-Word Book?
It’s December. It’s almost the new year. Some people like to make New Year’s resolutions or create a theme for the coming year. I like a single word.
What if you found that one word for you for the coming year and put it into a book? Sounds simple, right? Just a single word. One word = one chapter = one book. Done and (probably) fun, right?
I’ve done it already (The One-Word-Long Book that Will Probably Change Your Life) and I’ll do it again and again. In fact, I’ll do it every single year. But who cares about me? This book (the one in your hands and the one you’re going to write) is about you.
Do you have your word for the coming year? And if it’s not still December or January, do you have your word for the year anyway? Are you living it? Did you write it down on a napkin? Do you still have the napkin? Or is it more that you know the word but you haven’t shared it with anyone else?
What if, dream with me here, we solidified that word for the coming year? What if we created a book, a single-word book, that was your book for the coming year? Can you feel, can you imagine how that would probably increase the chances of success that this word would become your mantra for the year?
In this section of this book, we’re going to lay out the exact steps to get this one-word book started and finished—and why to do it.
If you think it’s just one word and you’re done, keep reading.
PRO TIP: It’s going to be the Epilogue where the power lives.
Here are the steps to starting and completing your one-word book. Each step will be described in more detail in the coming chapters.
- Title?
- Subtitle?
- Cover?
- Epigraph?
- Dedication?
- Foreword (Optional)?
- Preface?
- Chapter Won?
- Epilogue
- Acknowledgments ?
- About the Author
- Book Description ?Are you ready?
Ha, that’s a trick question: we’re never really ready. The question isn’t whether or not you’re ready but whether or not you have Decided to take action and get this thing done.
Here we go.