[ https://youtu.be/eb0p39U3Fq4 ]

[ This is from my monthly newsletter, “The 17th.” If you’d like to subscribe: https://17.repossible.com.

Greetings from Scheveningen,

You know that time when you’ve done this, you’re doing that, you’re not sure if “this is it” and what’s next might be a bit unclear and you find yourself saying to yourself, maybe whispering it to yourself in the supermarket aisle or even soft-screaming it to yourself when you’re alone in the car: Now What?

You might be 20 maybe 40 or 60 (or you’ve asked this question at each point along the way) and it’s time for a change. You might know what the change it, you might not, but you have those two words coming at you more and more regularly. You’re ready for that next time but you’re not sure what it is–and if that will be “it.” 

You have to ask the question before we have an answer. But the question for me, maybe for you, maybe right now, maybe yesterday, maybe tomorrow is: 

Now What?

I’m putting out the call to apply to submit a chapter to the anthology “Now What?” I’m looking for 9 people in each of these age groups: 

— 0 to 30
— 31 to 60
— 61 to 90+

We’re not looking for questions (we know what that is! It’s “Now What?”) but rather answers. You recently asked yourself the Now What? question and you have successfully answered it. Ideally, it’s something that someone else could benefit from. If you have succeeded where they haven’t yet, telling your story might help them get through their Now What? period. 

I have a sign-up page here: https://nowwhat.repossible.com where I’ll send you a bunch of questions. I’ll also keep adding to that page with more info as I gather it. 

Sound like fun? 

Happy 17th.

Keep creating,


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