Greetings from Bologna, Italy,

I ?had a call this morning with a partner, colleague, friend. For an hour, we batted around ideas, gave feedback, and took the criticism and praise.

?Did you catch that last part? ?

  • ??Criticism
  • Praise

?It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. When we “debate” something on our own, we only have our own opinion, experience, and mindset. When we dare to open up our ideas and plans, dreams and far-out goals, it can be scary but chances are good they’ll become stronger. 

?Set up a weekly (or monthly) call with someone with whom you can bat around ideas. Ideally, someone who’s on a similar path and nearby as far as experience. 

?Don’t just talk about pasta and the weather but dare to challenge yourself and let go of the hesitation and fear and just see what happens. 

?It’s better to get the feedback that it’s a terrible idea–or a great one–to a small audience than to flop on stage when you unveil your big new idea. 

?Make it fun, make it regular, but make it happen. 

?That photo up there is my best “teamwork” ?shot of the week as Luca hates clothes shopping (and I’m not a big fan, either), but together we made it happen.

?THEN we got ice cream. 

?Make it a great Thursday.

?Oh, and if it’s not such a great Thursday, it’ll be around in 7 days for more. 


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