Greetings from South Lake Tahoe, California, U.S.,

In last week’s Thursday Thunder episode, we talked about how it had been more than a year that I had written daily. This week, I have physical, even visceral, proof of how powerful it can be when we get our thoughts out on a regular basis. 

My sister gave me a bunch of old photo albums, most of which my mom had put together over the years, that I needed to look through and decide whether to keep or scan digitally and throw away.

I came across one I didn’t even know my mom had made from my then-girlfriend-now-wife and my world trip complete with a journal entry towards the end of the trip that emphasized the importance of writing on a regular basis to get the thoughts out of our heads and hearts and into the world (even if not publicly). 

I’ll read a short excerpt from a journal of mine when we were in Mongolia. 

I hope it inspires you to journal daily or at least on a regular basis. 

Until next week, keep writing.


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