Epic Dad Jason McCleery had me on his show to talk about how to be epic, how to be a dad, and how to be an Epic Dad.

Bradley wanted to be that dad that “did cool stuff with his kids” but he didn’t know how to make it happen, what to do, how to use the skills and interests that he had and combine them with something that would last longer than an afternoon out at the ball game.

So, in 2014, he wrote a short book together with his two sons (then 8 and 10). The book was silly, short, and sparked an idea: they just collaborated on something that started from nothing, from imagination. Now they have a book. A thing they’ll have forever that they did together.

It was the beginning of “Spark”. Now he has written 7 books together with his sons and nieces and is leading groups of parents and children through a one-month experience so that they too can create something from nothing and do it together with a child.

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